logo DERO HE BlockChain Explorer(v1) Mainnet

Server time: 2024-04-18 23:21:31 | Transaction pool

Network difficulty: 230807127 | Hash rate: 230.000 MH/s | Average Block Time(50) 18.85124 sec | Total supply : 14492169 | Mempool size : 7 | Fee per kb: 0 | Median block size limit: 0.00 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 7, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

height built transaction hash fee ring size tx size [kB]
3594976 d6b9c208c87e33796fd9ebadcbbe8f821bb63fbbf08a14ce108a29e5bfd64222 0.00526 2 5.166
3594983 69254f41de53d1cb8a2fab3c3d1e57d30584ce5dd07a30315e3ffe49cba39a28 0.00526 2 5.166
3594982 6a4d8fb945934023f7a337b149260d17d2fe6c0138a673164c92edd07d078d5e 0.00526 2 5.166
3594979 6ab5015fc20951e574fec8c5bf884e6cb705ae7824e452ef8bb60db231316999 0.00526 2 5.166
3594976 bbcfd91ebbdaa1b84aee802718a88450990e730f7f3d288dbb4143f66beee649 0.00320 2 13.024
3594977 071620a049ad32d9722b82b6f3bd8fdc3ff3680c88a346b14aa85fcc51199a90 0.00526 2 5.166
3594984 957c0444a9a24fd6d4945dba006354690b15991c4131809b1276a52eaf30e720 0.00526 2 5.166

Transactions in the last 11 blocks

(Median size of these blocks: 0.09 kB)

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height topo height age [h:m:s.ms] miniblocks size [kiB] tx hash type fees ring size tx size [kB]
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DERO explorer source code | explorer version (api): under development (1.0) | dero version: golang pre-alpha | Copyright 2017-2022 Dero Project