logo DERO HE BlockChain Explorer(v1) Mainnet

Server time: 2024-04-19 05:52:36 | Transaction pool

Network difficulty: 237565566 | Hash rate: 237.000 MH/s | Average Block Time(50) 18.2088 sec | Total supply : 14492950 | Mempool size : 4 | Fee per kb: 0 | Median block size limit: 0.00 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 4, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

height built transaction hash fee ring size tx size [kB]
3596250 4b60c660bbbe919a960db3d3d96e52f019a340625b51019c2462866f92bd5aec 0.00925 2 8.461
3596254 b16fd643b021daac13a4b5ab911f627eb117cd04c210f170eb8c33abfae01a46 0.00639 2 5.078
3596246 88c8bf985f9d018cbd3edb64f9a483364ce4560777a92242501b2f0f21df57f8 0.00925 2 8.451
3596249 0759fefbfcef5c5654996cc1623fe0cec3da4fdaae0b5eccbd0dee8e79a22fe2 0.00923 2 8.451

Transactions in the last 11 blocks

(Median size of these blocks: 0.09 kB)

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height topo height age [h:m:s.ms] miniblocks size [kiB] tx hash type fees ring size tx size [kB]
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DERO explorer source code | explorer version (api): under development (1.0) | dero version: golang pre-alpha | Copyright 2017-2022 Dero Project