logo DERO HE BlockChain Explorer(v1) Mainnet

Server time: 2024-07-05 04:25:00 | Transaction pool

Network difficulty: 186819359 | Hash rate: 186.000 MH/s | Average Block Time(50) 18.85856 sec | Total supply : 14713954 | Mempool size : 0 | Fee per kb: 0 | Median block size limit: 0.00 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

height built transaction hash fee ring size tx size [kB]

Transactions in the last 11 blocks

(Median size of these blocks: 0.09 kB)

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height topo height age [h:m:s.ms] miniblocks size [kiB] tx hash type fees ring size tx size [kB]
3945380 3945380 52:31:28.512 10 0.584 block 3714a26231ac1ae843dadd9917bed165a5c2af5197697eea65ee9d18da7e1d3f N/A 0.61500 0.036
3945379 3945379 52:31:40.513 10 0.584 block b50433f4d8b4d330a1fe5c2fd55f60d3aad05256d13903cfa14bda0f2119e501 N/A 0.61500 0.036
3945378 3945378 52:31:56.334 10 0.584 block f79e2f0060aa5eaffdf5c6517235ce4bfb515adc744dc43b892b9e15a3449f24 N/A 0.61500 0.036
3945377 3945377 52:32:16.735 10 0.584 block a1b5aaf2e533817fc7a1252e9f5b9d378c21888bd8aa72a1a6d4462a39fc330b N/A 0.61500 0.036
3945376 3945376 52:32:32.819 10 13.640 block a9ff2167b9ffe9a9b151d7fe82c53ff6824f0afc106225205004ab606ad5f655 N/A 0.61500 0.036
82e11c257242996899d83f9d6134fa0a10b7c031037177c3c52dedeaf10aa090 NORMAL 0.00320 2 13.024
3945375 3945375 52:33:34.754 10 0.584 block c0a76c24a839279b80187120db74ce21d016829d6fc651b196302c4e68965ff1 N/A 0.61500 0.036
3945374 3945374 52:34:7.435 10 0.584 block aa0938bdbc5feb108773013c8c494a106f16f95879b06a11d1fddbd36379bfe1 N/A 0.61500 0.036
3945373 3945373 52:34:23.894 10 13.655 block 405768db6bd240f049bc982e38b17148420ebd64fd862ad859b6321128ae88cf N/A 0.61500 0.036
7536ccb61222264867531b8708716d82fc54171ea23be4f65a72862a6227f675 NORMAL 0.00320 2 13.040
3945372 3945372 52:34:52.345 10 0.584 block df8e2bf81772b7065af5aa32eda64d07300add6ae67b90dc69418a946ec469ee N/A 0.61500 0.036
3945371 3945371 52:35:10.253 10 0.584 block b3628bedf95c86d2e9c2f6b1753036aa648d4c259e0b9799aa52421e16218f47 N/A 0.61500 0.036
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DERO explorer source code | explorer version (api): under development (1.0) | dero version: golang pre-alpha | Copyright 2017-2022 Dero Project